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-- Automatic welcomer (обговорення) 07:01, 18 травня 2019 (UTC)[відповісти]

Single Mothers[ред. код]

The term single mother is called to those who are single and taking care of their child. now a days numbers of single mothers are increasing day per day if we compare to usa alone 83% of single parents are mothers, which is really a high number to consider. The term single mother is consist with those women who are either separated, divorced, widow or got pregnant and have child without father. Each day in India, single mothers face criticism, judgement and discrimination. In this article, The Better India spoke to three fiery women, who are raising their children as single parents.The hardest parts of being a single mom have been the emotional battles and realizations that Every single women face from society. Now a days the conditions of single mothers in society is being better than previous, people are understanding the situations of single mothers and helping them later in this article we will talk about grants for single mothers, now we will be focusing why that much single mothers are in our society.

Why Numbers of single mothers are increasing in society[ред. код]

if we compare the previous data to current year data there are nearly 13.6 million single parents raising over 21 million children.there are various reason why these number are increasing frequently. let discuss .

1. couples splitting - not every union works out, and largely females get custody of kids so the kid remain with mother and she has to take care of him/her 2.only one parent remains - if the other parent becomes deceased or loses parental rights (abuse, incarceration, addictions); unmarried people are counted as single parents 3.couples not marrying - reasons vary from tax implications to custody arrangements to prenup agreements to personal decisions. 4.Over age for marriage - statistically, females are better off having offspring before their 40th birthday, so if a female is still single by that time, and is well-to-do (stable career, home, savings, etc), she will be able to have a child on her own, and that's exactly what ends up happening 5.lack of planning - here, it's the portion of the kids which are unplanned, however mothers choose to keep them adoptions - parents can choose to adopt a child, thus becoming a single parent 6.societal pressure - linked to the marrying age point: there was a time when a single mother meant either a female of loose morals or a female who had lost a partner, and societal pressure was to see a female duly married and "taken care of", well, it all changed since females now can work and take care of themselves, thus eliminating a hassle of a relationship. There are many more reasons behind but we are now focusing only on major causes of issue .

Helps for single mothers[ред. код]

There are various organizations and counseling centers which are working toward single mothers welfares and running various grants for single mothers.we are covering few of them.

Types of Grants for single mothers[ред. код]

1. Government Grants : many government organization are concern about this issue and running various grants for single mothers, they offer maternity grants, pay during pregnancy to single mothers. The popular among them are Block Grant,NIH GrantsWorkforce Investment ActTemporary Assistance for Needy Families

2. College Grants : single mothers who wants to continue their study after their pregnancy can apply for scholarships and grants available for single mothers Popular grants are MacArthur Genius Grant,NSF Grantsscholarships for single mothersPell Grants

3. Housing Grants : FEMA Grants, Housing and Urban Development,Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

4. Business Grants : Make Mine a Million $ Business, PeaChic Grant, Freebie and Giftcards

5.cars grants : Free cars for single moms, Clean Vehicle Assistance Program, US Govt Car Grants