Користувач:Дядько Ігор/PhysicsList/Absent Articles

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
Перейти до навігації Перейти до пошуку

ar العربية[ред. | ред. код]

  1. T-symmetry
  2. Ferroelectricity
  3. electric discharge in gases
  4. Ampère's force law
  5. liquid crystal
  6. Thermal fluctuations
  7. Hamiltonian
  8. Dislocation

bg Български[ред. | ред. код]

  1. elementary charge
  2. T-symmetry
  3. Parity
  4. Principle of locality
  5. Antiparticle
  6. Potential energy
  7. scattering
  8. Fracture
  9. Archimedes' principle
  10. Conservation law
  11. Ferroelectricity
  12. Ampère's force law
  13. Heat capacity
  14. Lorentz transformation
  15. Hamiltonian
  16. Spectrum
  17. crystallographic defect
  18. Dislocation
  19. Electronic band structure

ca Català[ред. | ред. код]

  1. T-symmetry
  2. Principle of locality
  3. Fracture
  4. electric discharge in gases
  5. Ampère's force law
  6. Thermal fluctuations
  7. Spectrum
  8. Dislocation

cs Čeština[ред. | ред. код]

  1. space
  2. T-symmetry
  3. Parity
  4. Principle of locality
  5. nuclear fission
  6. scattering
  7. Fracture
  8. Ferroelectricity
  9. electric discharge in gases
  10. harmonic oscillator
  11. Spectrum
  12. Dislocation

de Deutsch[ред. | ред. код]

  1. electromagnetism
  2. Ampère's force law
  3. magnetic field
  4. Spectrum

es Español[ред. | ред. код]

  1. elementary charge
  2. radio waves
  3. electric discharge in gases
  4. Ampère's force law
  5. Thermal fluctuations
  6. Spectrum

fi Suomi[ред. | ред. код]

  1. T-symmetry
  2. Antiparticle
  3. Newton's law of universal gravitation
  4. Archimedes' principle
  5. electric discharge in gases
  6. Ampère's force law
  7. liquid crystal
  8. Thermal fluctuations
  9. phase
  10. Electronic band structure
  11. p–n junction

fr Français[ред. | ред. код]

  1. velocity
  2. electric discharge in gases
  3. Ampère's force law
  4. Thermal fluctuations

he עברית[ред. | ред. код]

  1. elementary charge
  2. T-symmetry
  3. Parity
  4. Newton's law of universal gravitation
  5. rotation
  6. Plasticity
  7. Ferroelectricity
  8. electric discharge in gases
  9. Ampère's force law
  10. phase
  11. Thermal fluctuations
  12. Hamiltonian
  13. Oscillator
  14. p–n junction

hu Magyar[ред. | ред. код]

  1. Principle of locality
  2. Movement
  3. Statics
  4. Deformation
  5. Fracture
  6. Ferroelectricity
  7. electric discharge in gases
  8. Ampère's force law
  9. Paramagnetism
  10. liquid crystal
  11. phase
  12. Thermal fluctuations
  13. Atomic orbital
  14. Polarization
  15. Coherence
  16. harmonic oscillator
  17. Spectrum
  18. crystallographic defect
  19. Electronic band structure

it Italiano[ред. | ред. код]

  1. electric discharge in gases
  2. Ampère's force law
  3. Thermal fluctuations
  4. crystal structure

ja 日本語[ред. | ред. код]

  1. T-symmetry
  2. electric discharge in gases
  3. Ampère's force law
  4. Thermal fluctuations

ko 한국어[ред. | ред. код]

  1. Particle detector
  2. Deformation
  3. Plasticity
  4. electric discharge in gases
  5. Ampère's force law
  6. Thermal fluctuations
  7. crystallographic defect
  8. Dislocation

la Latina[ред. | ред. код]

  1. Planck constant
  2. gravitational constant
  3. fine-structure constant
  4. elementary charge
  5. Boltzmann constant
  6. Avogadro constant
  7. ampere
  8. candela
  9. lumen
  10. ohm
  11. becquerel
  12. T-symmetry
  13. Parity
  14. Principle of locality
  15. half-life
  16. Standard Model
  17. Particle detector
  18. Antiparticle
  19. Movement
  20. Newton's law of universal gravitation
  21. momentum
  22. Angular momentum
  23. Potential energy
  24. Statics
  25. scattering
  26. Deformation
  27. Plasticity
  28. Fracture
  29. Archimedes' principle
  30. Bernoulli's principle
  31. turbulence
  32. viscosity
  33. X-ray
  34. Conservation law
  35. Coulomb's laws
  36. electric field
  37. dielectric
  38. Ferroelectricity
  39. electric discharge in gases
  40. Ohm's law
  41. Ampère's force law
  42. Diamagnetism
  43. Ferromagnetism
  44. Paramagnetism
  45. phase
  46. phase change
  47. Thermal fluctuations
  48. Heat capacity
  49. surface tension
  50. diffusion
  51. theory of relativity
  52. Lorentz transformation
  53. uncertainty principle
  54. wave-particle duality
  55. wave function
  56. Hamiltonian
  57. Schrödinger equation
  58. Dirac equation
  59. Atomic orbital
  60. Oscillator
  61. wave
  62. Diffraction
  63. Interference
  64. wavelength
  65. phase
  66. Polarization
  67. Coherence
  68. harmonic oscillator
  69. Resonance
  70. Refraction
  71. Spectrum
  72. lens
  73. luminescence
  74. crystal structure
  75. crystallographic defect
  76. Dislocation
  77. Electronic band structure
  78. p–n junction

nl Nederlands[ред. | ред. код]

  1. Particle detector
  2. Antiparticle
  3. Ferroelectricity
  4. Ampère's force law
  5. Thermal fluctuations
  6. Hamiltonian
  7. Electronic band structure

no Norsk (Bokmål)[ред. | ред. код]

  1. fine-structure constant
  2. T-symmetry
  3. Principle of locality
  4. Particle detector
  5. rotation
  6. Fracture
  7. dielectric
  8. Ferroelectricity
  9. electric discharge in gases
  10. Ampère's force law
  11. Thermal fluctuations
  12. Lorentz transformation
  13. Hamiltonian
  14. crystallographic defect
  15. Electronic band structure
  16. p–n junction

pl Polski[ред. | ред. код]

  1. Principle of locality
  2. Antiparticle
  3. Fracture
  4. electric discharge in gases
  5. Ampère's force law

pt Português[ред. | ред. код]

  1. T-symmetry
  2. Principle of locality
  3. Particle detector
  4. Fracture
  5. Archimedes' principle
  6. electric discharge in gases
  7. Ampère's force law
  8. Thermal fluctuations

simple Simple English[ред. | ред. код]

  1. fine-structure constant
  2. elementary charge
  3. lumen
  4. T-symmetry
  5. Principle of locality
  6. Particle detector
  7. Statics
  8. scattering
  9. Plasticity
  10. Fracture
  11. dielectric
  12. Ferroelectricity
  13. electric discharge in gases
  14. Ampère's force law
  15. Paramagnetism
  16. phase
  17. Thermal fluctuations
  18. Hamiltonian
  19. phase
  20. Coherence
  21. harmonic oscillator
  22. luminescence
  23. crystallographic defect
  24. Dislocation
  25. Electronic band structure
  26. p–n junction

sv Svenska[ред. | ред. код]

  1. T-symmetry
  2. Principle of locality
  3. Particle detector
  4. Antiparticle
  5. rotation
  6. Ferroelectricity
  7. electric discharge in gases
  8. Ampère's force law
  9. Thermal fluctuations
  10. crystallographic defect
  11. Electronic band structure

zh 中文[ред. | ред. код]

  1. Principle of locality
  2. Fracture
  3. electric discharge in gases
  4. Thermal fluctuations