Обговорення користувача:Yevhen/Пpивіт! ¡Hola! Hello! (31.07.2009—01.08.2009)

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Повний архів: Обговорення_користувача:Yevhen/АвтоАрхів
Обговорення: Обговорення_користувача:Yevhen

Пpивіт! ¡Hola! Hello!

[ред. код]

Hello, I´m from Argentina. I saw that you are agree about the use of the letter "Ґ" in Ukrainian. It is very interesting because I wrote some articles about Argentinian geography in Ukrainian (I just know a little Ukrainian). We have in the toponym a lot of names with this sound (Ґ). When I wrote some words but some Ukrainian wikipedists changed it to "Г". I wrote some articles about Macedonia and Serbia and they did the same. I asked them why they had changed it, and they explained me that there are some rules in Ukrainian language, for example, foreign sounds, like "g" must change to "h". When I asked them why it is in that way, when in Ukrainian does exists a letter to represent that sound, the never explained me or answered me. What is the problem with letter "Ґ"? I think that Ukrainian language (together Belarusian) is the only Slavic language that has the three sounds related (g, h and kh; Ґ,Г and Х). That is a amazing linguistic wealth! I myself am descendant of Ukrainian immigrants, that came here in 1897. A lot of them where from southwestern Ukraine (Boikivshchyna, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchyna, Bukovyna, Podillya and Besarabia). Some old people still speak Ukrainian language, and use sound "Ґ" a lot. Maybe you could help me to write some articles. Thank you a lot!-- 01:06, 31 липня 2009 (UTC) (Aguará81)Відповісти

Bon dia / Привіт, Aguará81 ! In fact, the problem is the following : this letter is still not in full „decreminalized” after 1933 Ukrainian Orthography (or Kaganovich Orthography) from which this letter was banned (there were two reasons – this letter did not exist in Russian alphabet, and it was considered “too intellectual, too close to European tradition, unneeded as majority of words where it was used were not originally Ukrainian or Slavic”, and it was considered that this letter and the song can be easily replaced with letter “г”).
Nevertheless, it is to mention that this letter and the song [g] is quite rare in major part of Ukraine. The territories you have mentioned are more exceptions from general rule. In major part of Ukraine „ґ” is used in a few words like „ґанок, ґава, ґелґотати, ґрати”. It is one of the rarest letter, and song, in modern literary Ukrainian. It is to mention as well that intellectuals use it much more than simple people.
You know that in 1990 this letter was re-introduced into Ukrainian alphabet, but its usage is officially quite limited. In accordance with current official and commonly accepted orthography, the letter “ґ” is used in the limited number of words (in line with § 15 of the Orthography); in foreign toponims, in accordance with § 87, the letter “г” and not “ґ” is used (and it is mentioned that it can be read with [g] but is to be written only with “г”).
I am pro-Ґ, this is true, but I understand those in Wikipedia who changes this letter into “г”, especially in the names of articles : because it is in line with current orthography. I usually write “ґ” in foreign names if in original language the song is [g]. This is like it is !
By the way, my name is Yevhen, 35, I live in Kyiv. In Wikipedia I usually write articles about Catalonia. If you need any information on the topics you are interested in – please, do not hesitate to ask me, will be my pleasure to help. Take care !--Yevhen 13:35, 1 серпня 2009 (UTC)Відповісти