Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
Евкалі́пт (Eucalyptus , від грец. ευκάλυπτος — «добре вкритий») — рід дерев і деяких кущів родини миртові , представники якого домінують у деревній флорі Австралії .
Існує 739 види та 3 гібриди евкаліптів, більшість походять з Австралії, деякі — з островів Нової Гвінеї та Індонезії , а один вид — з Філіппінських островів . Багато видів були інтродуковані в посушливих районах інших частин світу, зокрема в Каліфорнії , Африці , Південній Європі , Індії і Китаї .
Біномінальна назва
Місцева назва
Eucalyptus badjensis
Big Badja Gum, Gully Ash
Eucalyptus baeuerlenii
Baeuerlen's Gum
Eucalyptus baileyana
Black Stringybark
Eucalyptus bakeri
Baker's Mallee
Eucalyptus balanites
Cadda Road Mallee
Eucalyptus balanopelex
Eucalyptus balladoniensis
Balladonia Mallee
Eucalyptus bancroftii
Bancroft's Red Gum, Orange Gum
Eucalyptus banksii
Tenterfield Woolybutt
Eucalyptus barberi
Barber's Gum
Eucalyptus baudiniana
Eucalyptus baueriana
Round-leaved Box
Eucalyptus baxteri
Brown Stringybark
Eucalyptus beaniana
Eucalyptus beardiana
Beard's Mallee
Eucalyptus beasleyi
Eucalyptus behriana
Bull Mallee, Broad-leaved Box
Eucalyptus bensonii
Mountain Swamp Gum
Eucalyptus benthamii
Camden White Gum, Nepean River Gum
Eucalyptus beyeriana
Narrow-leaved Grey Ironbark
Eucalyptus bicostata
Southern Blue Gum, Eurabbie, Blue Gum, Victorian Blue Gum
Eucalyptus bigalerita
Northern Salmon gum
Eucalyptus biturbinata
Grey Gum
Eucalyptus blakelyi
Blakely's Red Gum
Eucalyptus blaxellii
Howatharra Mallee
Eucalyptus blaxlandii
Brown Stringybark, Blaxland's Stringybark
Eucalyptus boliviana
Eucalyptus bosistoana
Coast Grey Box
Eucalyptus botryoides
Bangalay, Southern Mahogany
Eucalyptus brachyandra
Tropical Red Box
Eucalyptus brachycalyx
Gilja, Chindoo mallee
Eucalyptus brachycarpa
Eucalyptus brachycorys
Cowcowing Mallee
Eucalyptus brachyphylla
Eucalyptus brassiana
Cape York Red Gum, Gum-topped Peppermint, Karo (in Papua New Guinea)
Eucalyptus brevifolia
Northern White gum, Snappy Gum[ 3]
Eucalyptus brevipes
Muckinbudin Mallee
Eucalyptus brevistylis
Rate's Tingle
Eucalyptus bridgesiana
Apple Gum, Apple Box, But-but, Moonbi Apple Box, Swamp Apple Box
Eucalyptus brockwayi
Dundas Mahogany
Eucalyptus brookeriana
Brooker's Gum
Eucalyptus broviniensis
Eucalyptus brownii
Reid River Box
Eucalyptus buprestium
Ball-fruited Mallee, Apple Mallee[ 3]
Eucalyptus burdettiana
Burdett's Mallee, Burdett Gum[ 4]
Eucalyptus burgessiana
Faulconbridge Mallee Ash
Eucalyptus burracoppinensis
Burracoppin Mallee
Біномінальна назва
Місцева назва
Eucalyptus cadens
Wangaratta Gum
Eucalyptus caesia
Silver Princess
Eucalyptus calcareana
Nundroo Mallee
Eucalyptus calcicola
Boranup Mallee
Eucalyptus caleyi
Drooping Ironbark
Eucalyptus caliginosa
New England Stringybark, Broad-leaved Stringybark
Eucalyptus calycogona
Square-fruited mallee
Eucalyptus calyerup
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
River Red Gum, Red Gum, Murray Red Gum
Eucalyptus cambageana
Dawson Gum, Dawson River Blackbutt
Eucalyptus cameronii
Diehard Stringybark
Eucalyptus camfieldii
Heart-leaved Stringybark, Camfield's Stringybark
Eucalyptus campanulata
New England Blackbutt, or Gum-topped Peppermint
Eucalyptus campaspe
Silver-topped Gimlet
Eucalyptus camphora
Mountain Swamp Gum
Eucalyptus canaliculata
Large-fruited Grey Gum, Grey Gum
Eucalyptus candida
Eucalyptus cannonii
Capertee Stringybark
Eucalyptus canobolensis
Eucalyptus capillosa
Wheatbelt Wandoo
Eucalyptus capitellata
Brown Stringybark
Eucalyptus capricornia
Eucalyptus captiosa
Eucalyptus carnabyi
Eucalyptus carnea
Eucalyptus carnei
Carne's Blackbutt
Eucalyptus castrensis
Eucalyptus celastroides
Snap and Rattle
Eucalyptus cephalocarpa
Mealy Stringybark
Eucalyptus ceracea
Eucalyptus cerasiformis
Cherry-fruited Mallee
Eucalyptus ceratocorys
Eucalyptus cernua
Red- or Yellow-flowered Moort
Eucalyptus chapmaniana
Bogong Gum
Eucalyptus chartaboma
Eucalyptus chloroclada
Baradine Gum
Eucalyptus chlorophylla
Glossy-leaved Box
Eucalyptus chrysantha
Eucalyptus cinerea
Argyle Apple, Silver Dollar
Eucalyptus citriodora
Lemon Scented Gum
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Sugar Gum
Eucalyptus clelandii
Cleland's Blackbutt
Eucalyptus clivicola
Green Mallet
Eucalyptus cloeziana
Gympie Messmate
Eucalyptus cneorifolia
Kangaroo Island Narrow-leaved Mallee
Eucalyptus coccifera
Tasmanian Snow Gum
Eucalyptus communalis
Eucalyptus concinna
Victoria Desert Mallee
Eucalyptus conferruminata
Bald Island Marlock
Eucalyptus confertiflora
Broad-leaved Carbeen, Cabbage Gum
Eucalyptus confluens
Kimberley Gum
Eucalyptus conglobata
Port Lincoln Mallee
Eucalyptus conglomerata
Swamp Stringybark
Eucalyptus conica
Fuzzy Gum
Eucalyptus coniophloia
Eucalyptus conjuncta
Eucalyptus connerensis
Eucalyptus consideniana
Eucalyptus conspicua
Eucalyptus conveniens
Eucalyptus coolabah
Coolabah, Coolibah
Eucalyptus cooperiana
Esperance Mallee
Eucalyptus copulans
Eucalyptus cordata
Heart-leaved Silver Gum
Eucalyptus cornuta
Eucalyptus coronata
Crowned Mallee
Eucalyptus corrugata
Rib-fruited Mallee
Eucalyptus corticosa
Eucalyptus corynodes
Eucalyptus cosmophylla
Cup Gum
Eucalyptus costuligera
Eucalyptus crebra
Narrow-leaved (Red) Ironbark
Eucalyptus crenulata
Buxton Gum, Silver Gum
Eucalyptus creta
Large-fruited Gimlet
Eucalyptus cretata
Darke Peak Mallee
Eucalyptus crispata
Yandanooka Mallee
Eucalyptus croajingolensis
Coast Peppermint
Eucalyptus crucis
Southern Cross Mallee, Silver Mallee
Eucalyptus cullenii
Cullen's Ironbark
Eucalyptus cunninghamii
Cliff Mallee Ash
Eucalyptus cuprea
Mallee Box
Eucalyptus cupularis
Hall's Creek White Gum
Eucalyptus curtisii
Plunkett Mallee
Eucalyptus cyanoclada
Eucalyptus cyanophylla
Blue-leaved Mallee
Eucalyptus cyclostoma
Eucalyptus cylindriflora
White Mallee
Eucalyptus cylindrocarpa
Woodline Mallee
Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
Mountain Grey Gum, Mountain Gum, Monkey Gum, Spotted Mountain Grey Gum
Eucalyptus kingsmilli
Біномінальна назва
Місцева назва
Eucalyptus pachycalyx
Shiny-barked Gum, Pumpkin-barked Gum, Mottled Gum
Eucalyptus pachyloma
Kalgan Plains Mallee
Eucalyptus pachyphylla
Red-bud mallee
Eucalyptus paedoglauca
Eucalyptus paliformis
Wadbilliga Ash
Eucalyptus paludicola
Eucalyptus panda
Brogans Ironbark, Corky Ironbark, Tumbledown Ironbark
Eucalyptus paniculata
Grey Ironbark
Eucalyptus pantoleuca
Eucalyptus paralimnetica
Eucalyptus parramattensis
Parramatta Red Gum, Rough-budded Calgaroo
Eucalyptus parvula
Eucalyptus patellaris
Weeping box
Eucalyptus patens
Swan River / Western Australian Blackbutt
Eucalyptus pauciflora
Snow Gum
Eucalyptus pauciseta
Eucalyptus peeneri
Eucalyptus pellita
Large-fruited Red Mahogany
Eucalyptus pendens
Badgingarra Mallee
Eucalyptus peninsularis
Eucalyptus perangusta
Eucalyptus percostata
Eucalyptus perriniana
Spinning Gum
Eucalyptus persistens
Eucalyptus petiolaris
Water Gum, Blue Gum
Eucalyptus petraea
Granite Rock Box
Eucalyptus petrensis
Eucalyptus phaenophylla
Eucalyptus phenax
Kangaroo Island Mallee
Eucalyptus phoenicea
Gnaingar, Scarlet Gum
Eucalyptus phylacis
Meelup Mallee
Eucalyptus pilbarensis
Eucalyptus pileata
Capped Mallee
Eucalyptus pilligaensis
Pilliga Grey Box, Narrow-leaved Grey Box
Eucalyptus pilularis
Eucalyptus pimpiniana
Pimpin Mallee
Eucalyptus piperita
Sydney Peppermint, Urn-fruited Peppermint
Eucalyptus placita
Eucalyptus planchoniana
Bastard Tallow-wood, Needlebark Stringybark, Planchon's Stringybark
Eucalyptus planipes
Eucalyptus platycorys
Boorabbin Mallee
Eucalyptus platyphylla
Poplar Gum, Ringing Gum
Eucalyptus platypus
Eucalyptus plenissima
Oil Mallee
Eucalyptus pleurocarpa
Eucalyptus pleurocorys
Eucalyptus pluricaulis
Purple-leaved Mallee
Eucalyptus polita
Eucalyptus polyanthemos
Red Box
Eucalyptus polybractea
Blue Mallee, Blue-leaved Mallee
Eucalyptus pontis
Eucalyptus populnea
Bimble Box, Poplar Box
Eucalyptus porosa
Mallee Box
Eucalyptus portuensis
Eucalyptus praecox
Eucalyptus praetermissa
Eucalyptus prava
Orange Gum
Eucalyptus preissiana
Bell-fruited Mallee
Eucalyptus prolixa
Eucalyptus prominens
Cape Range Mallee
Eucalyptus propinqua
Grey Gum, Grey Irongum, Small-fruited Grey Gum
Eucalyptus protensa
Eucalyptus provecta
Eucalyptus pruiniramis
Jingymia Gum
Eucalyptus pruinosa
Silver Box
Eucalyptus psammitica
Broad-leaved White Mahogany
Eucalyptus pseudoglobulus
Gippsland Blue Gum
Eucalyptus pterocarpa
Eucalyptus pulchella
White Peppermint, Narrow-leaved Peppermint
Eucalyptus pulverulenta
Silver-leaved Mountain Gum
Eucalyptus pumila
Polkobin Mallee, Mallee Grey Gum
Eucalyptus punctata
Grey Gum
Eucalyptus pyrenea
Eucalyptus pyriformis
Pear-fruited Mallee, Dowerin Rose
Eucalyptus pyrocarpa
Large-fruited Blackbutt, Pear-fruited Blackbutt
Біномінальна назва
Місцева назва
Eucalyptus quadrangulata
Coast White Box, Grey Box, Soft White Box, White Box, White topped Box
Eucalyptus quadrans
Eucalyptus quadricostata
Pentland Ironbark
Eucalyptus quaerenda
Eucalyptus quinniorum
Eucalyptus racemosa
Scribbly Gum, Snappy Gum, White Gum
Eucalyptus radiata
Narrow-leaved Peppermint
Eucalyptus rameliana
Giles's mallee
Eucalyptus rariflora
Eucalyptus raveretiana
Black Ironbox
Eucalyptus ravida
Silver-topped Gimlet
Eucalyptus recta
Eucalyptus recurva
Mangarlowe Mallee
Eucalyptus redacta
Eucalyptus redimiculifera
Eucalyptus reducta
Eucalyptus redunca
Black Marlock, Black-barked Marlock
Eucalyptus regnans
Mountain Ash
Eucalyptus relicta
Eucalyptus remota
Kangaroo Island Mallee Ash
Eucalyptus repullulans
Eucalyptus resinifera
Red Mahogany, Red Messmate, Red Stringybark
Eucalyptus retinens
Hillgrove Box
Eucalyptus rhodantha
Rose Mallee
Eucalyptus rhombica
Eucalyptus rigens
Saltlake Mallee
Eucalyptus rigidula
Stiff-leaved Mallee
Eucalyptus risdonii
Risdon Peppermint
Eucalyptus rivularis
Eucalyptus robusta
Swamp Mahogany
Eucalyptus rodwayi
Swamp Peppermint
Eucalyptus rosacea
Eucalyptus rossii
Scribbly Bark, White Gum
Eucalyptus roycei
Shark Bay Mallee
Eucalyptus rubida
Candle-bark Gum
Eucalyptus rubiginosa
Eucalyptus rudderi
Rudder's Box
Eucalyptus rudis
Flooded Gum
Eucalyptus rugosa
Kingscote Mallee
Eucalyptus rummeryi
Steel Box, Brown Box, Casino Brown Box, Grey Box, Rummery's Box,
Eucalyptus rupestris
Біномінальна назва
Місцева назва
Eucalyptus salicola
Salt Gum
Eucalyptus saligna
Sydney Blue Gum
Eucalyptus salmonophloia
Salmon Gum
Eucalyptus salubris
Gimlet Gum
Eucalyptus sargentii
Salt River Gum
Eucalyptus saxatilis
Mount Wheeler Mallee, Suggan Buggan Gum, Suggan Buggan Mallee
Eucalyptus scias
Large-fruited Red Mahogany
Eucalyptus scoparia
Wallangarra White Gum
Eucalyptus scyphocalyx
Eucalyptus seeana
Blue Gum, Forest Red Gum, Narrow-leaved Cabbage Gum, Narrow-leaved Red Gum, Swamp Blue Gum
Eucalyptus selachiana
Eucalyptus semota
Eucalyptus sepulcralis
Weeping Mallee
Eucalyptus serraensis
Grampians Gum
Eucalyptus sessilis
Finke River Mallee, McDonnell Range Mallee
Eucalyptus sheathiana
Ribbon-bark Mallee
Eucalyptus shirleyi
Shirleys' Silver-leaved Ironbark
Eucalyptus sicilifolia
Eucalyptus siderophloia
Black Ironbark, Grey Ironbark, Ironbark, Red Ironbark
Eucalyptus sideroxylon
Red Ironbark, Mugga
Eucalyptus sieberi
Silvertop Ash, Coast Ash, Ironbark, Black Ash
Eucalyptus signata
Scribbly Gum, White Gum, Snappy Gum, Peppermint-leaved White Gum
Eucalyptus similis
Inland Yellow-jacket
Eucalyptus singularis
Eucalyptus smithii
Gully Gum, Blackbutt Peppermint, Gully Ash, Gully Peppermint
Eucalyptus socialis
Red Mallee, Giant Mallee
Eucalyptus sp. Howes Swamp Creek
Eucalyptus sp. Norseman
Eucalyptus sp. Wagerup
Eucalyptus sparsa
Northern Ranges Box
Eucalyptus sparsicoma
Eucalyptus sparsifolia
Narrow-leaved Stringybark
Eucalyptus spathulata
Swamp Mallet
Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa
Blackdown Stringybark
Eucalyptus splendens
Eucalyptus sporadica
Eucalyptus spreta
Eucalyptus squamosa
Eucalyptus staeri
Albany Blackbutt
Eucalyptus staigeriana
Eucalyptus steedmanii
Steedman's Mallet
Eucalyptus stellulata
Black Sallee, Black Sally, Muzzlewood[ 6]
Eucalyptus stenostoma
Jillaga Ash
Eucalyptus stoatei
Scarlet Pear Gum
Eucalyptus stowardii
Fluted Horn mallee
Eucalyptus striaticalyx
Kopi Mallee
Eucalyptus stricklandii
Strickland's Gum
Eucalyptus stricta
Blue Mountains Mallee Ash
Eucalyptus strzeleckii
Eucalyptus sturgissiana
Ettrema Mallee
Eucalyptus subangusta
Eucalyptus subcrenulata
Tasmanian Alpine Yellow Gum
Eucalyptus suberea
Mount Lesueur Mallee
Eucalyptus sublucida
Eucalyptus subtilis
Narrow-leaved Mallee
Eucalyptus suffulgens
Eucalyptus suggrandis
Eucalyptus surgens
Eucalyptus symonii
Eucalyptus synandra
Біномінальна назва
Місцева назва
Eucalyptus talyuberlup
Eucalyptus tardecidens
Eucalyptus taurina
Eucalyptus tectifica
Darwin Box, Grey Box, Macarthur River Box
Eucalyptus tenella
Eucalyptus tenera
Eucalyptus tenuipes
Narrow-leaved White Mahogany
Eucalyptus tenuiramis
Silver Peppermint
Eucalyptus tenuis
Eucalyptus tephroclada
Eucalyptus tephrodes
Eucalyptus terebra
Eucalyptus tereticornis
Forest Red Gum, Blue Gum (in Queensland)
Eucalyptus terrica
Eucalyptus tetragona
Mealy Gum, Silver Marlock, Tallerack, White Marlock, White-leaved Marlock
Eucalyptus tetrapleura
Square-fruited Ironbark, Sparse-fruited Ironbark
Eucalyptus tetraptera
Four-winged Mallee, Square-fruited Mallee
Eucalyptus tetrodonta
Darwin Stringybark, Darwin Messmate
Eucalyptus thamnoides
Eucalyptus tholiformis
Eucalyptus thozetiana
Yapunyah, Mountain Yapunyah, Napunyah, Thozet's Box, Thozet's Ironbox
Eucalyptus tindaliae
Ramornie Stringybark, Tindales Stringybark
Eucalyptus tinghaensis
Tingha Stringybark
Eucalyptus tintinnans
Eucalyptus todtiana
Coastal Blackbutt, Prickly-bark
Eucalyptus tokwa
Eucalyptus torquata
Coolgardie Gum, Coral Gum
Eucalyptus tortilis
Eucalyptus trachybasis
Eucalyptus transcontinentalis
Boongul, Redwood
Eucalyptus tricarpa
Red Ironbark
Eucalyptus triflora
Pigeon House Ash, Three-flowered Ash
Eucalyptus trivalvis
Desert Mallee
Eucalyptus tumida
Eucalyptus youngiana
Eucalyptus kingsmillii
Eucalyptus rameliana
Brooker, I., Kleinig, D.(1996) Eucalyptus, An illustrated guide to identification , Reed Books, Port Melbourne
Cronin, L.(2000) Key Guide to Australian Trees , Envirobook
Holliday, I.(2002) A field guide to Australian trees (3rd edition) , Reed New Holland
Threatened Species Information, NSW National Park & Wildlife Service
Eucalyptus Nurseries [Архівовано 9 січня 2016 у Wayback Machine .]
Currency Creek Arboretum Eucalypt Research [Архівовано 13 березня 2019 у Wayback Machine .] at Currency Creek Arboretum
Australian National Botanic Gardens: Australian plant common name database [Архівовано 27 лютого 2016 у Wayback Machine .]